Friday 25 April 2014

The month of birdsong

April seems to be the month when the most changes in the natural world. Wild plant growth seems to be supercharged in April, with a riot of colour along the lanes and in the field margins. On the farm there are celandines, bluebells, campion, three cornered leek, oxalis, freesias, brassicas and much more all in flower now. The nettles are nearly three feet high in places!

The birdsong this morning was exceptional and I managed to record some on my new audio recorder. A male blackbird was in full flow! What a treat...

Friday 4 April 2014

Spring photos

When the sun shines, the wind drops and the birds are singing we all forget the rain and wind of winter. Here are some photos from the farm and around the island recently:

Claudia checking plants in the glasshouse
When brassicas (cabbage, cauli, kale, etc) go to seed, it's worth leaving them as they provide some of the earliest flowers for bees and other insects

Honeybee pollinating brassica flower

Little Bay looks great at the moment - not too much erosion and all the sand has come back

The Euonymous hedges in particular at this time of year look beautiful - such a vibrant and fresh green