Thursday 17 February 2011

Signs of spring

The last few days have felt really mild and there are definite signs that spring is on its way. The Euonymous hedges are showing fresh green shoots, the birds are starting to sing in a different, more spring like way, and more flowers are appearing.

Gorse is flowering all over the place at the moment, in two weeks' time it's going to be a really good show. Cultivated Narcissi have been flowering in fields since November, but the cast offs that lie in field margins, abandoned fields and hedges (so not subject to any special treatment) are coming in to their own now.

'Soleil d'Or' are the single most famous flower from Scilly and have a beautiful colour and scent unlike anything else.

On the land it's been a time for cultivation and establishment. Today white clover and Westerwolds rye went in, just before rain tomorrow afternoon. In the morning the second batch of carrots will be drilled (sown), and the first batch of peas and beans. More potatoes are due to to go in very soon.

In the glasshouse lettuce, peas, salads, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, chard, kale and much more have all been sown. Sowing will be quite regular from now until about July to ensure a continuity of crops right through the year.

So the growing year is in full swing already...more on progress before long.